⥂ ~moon@muratnew feature: [[roam tags]]! these channels link to topics under your OWN profile channel, so they are like your own personal notes. other people can't post in your notes (unless if you explicitly allow)
⥂ ~moon@muratso now whenever I mention [[roam tags]] in public channels, my post will get copied there, allowing me to organize my bookmarks in my own way (and go type notes in them directly as well)
@murattrying out ways to tag other messages into my notes
⥂ ~moon@muratso, in summary, #hashtags are social channels, [[roam tags]] are for personal notes... and if you click "create a subchannel" up top you'll see options for private channels and such
⥂ ~moon/guide@muratThe neat thing is that, subchannels within your profile are by default your personal notes. You can tag them from anywhere using [[roam tags]] with double square brackets. This supports three use cases: directly taking notes, organizing your posts, and bookmarking. These can also be nested, so [[roam tags/future ideas]] is a subchannel of [[roam tags]]
⥂ ~moon@murat@AntiNoir nice glad you like!! lol, another bug you found! slash in tag fails to copy the message since it parses it as a nested channel lol. need to rethingk a few things around [[roam tags]]
⥂ ~moon@muratone thing I'm experiemnting with that I'm unsure about is personal notes
like i really wanna do [[roam tags]] kind of tagging where it goes to personal notes only, where others can't post by default